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Title: Substantial, and significant, expansion of ant hosts range for Myrmicinosporidium Holldobler, 1933 (Fungi)
Authors: Gonçalves, C.
Patanita, Maria Isabel
Espalader, X.
Keywords: Endoparasitic fungus
Olive grove
New hosts
Issue Date: Aug-2012
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Goncalves, C., Patanita, M., & Espadaler, X. (2012). Substantial, and significant, expansion of ant hosts range for Myrmicinosporidium Holldobler, 1933 (Fungi). Insectes Sociaux, 59(3), 395-399. doi: 10.1007/s00040-012-0232-z
Abstract: Six new genera, three tribes and one subfamily are added to the list of known hosts for the enigmatic endoparasitic fungus Myrmicinosporidium Hölldobler. Aphaenogaster senilis, Cataglyphis hispanica, Crematogaster auberti, Goniomma hispanicum, Messor barbarus, Tapinoma nigerrimum and Tapinoma simrothi were collected from olive groves and detected as infected with spores of the fungus. Pheidole pallidula and Tetramorium semilaeve were also found to be infected. The finding of seven hosts (seven genera, three subfamilies) from a single olive grove is an evidence that the fungus has a phylogenetically wide host spectrum and is, therefore, a generalist microparasite. Portugal is also a new country for Myrmicinosporidium.
Peer reviewed: yes
ISSN: 1420-9098
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Appears in Collections:D-TCA - Artigos em revistas com peer review

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